Nu är vi i studion

Jag är redan klar, tack och lov! Helvete vad det sved på vissa ställen! Var riktigt mör sista kvarten (tog en timme sammanlagt). Bell ligger under nålen nu och det ser ut att göra ont på henne också, haha! Lägger upp bild sen när vi har tagit en ;)

/ Ems.

Some sexy shit
Jag har bajsat: moncler jackets

However these are in fact pretty but also possess limited shock reduction in the lone, so are harmful to lengthy moves. Moreover, the outdoors lone is actually even, so i does not convey him or her at ice and snow. I turned out to be distressed in the unit because of the price range. Moreover, Since i was feeling the actual work cozy instead of open seeing that some used to be expressing.It is a bad as they simply feel like some may be manner, yet not practical.

2013-01-14 @ 22:08:00
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